REVIEW: Passionate Pleasures by Bertrice Small

Tweet Sandy M’s review of Passionate Pleasures (The Pleasures, Book 5) by Bertrice Small Contemporary Erotic Romance published by NAL Trade 3 Aug 10 I remember reading Bertrice Small when I was a teenager. She’s one of those authors a lot of us cut our...

REVIEW: Demon from the Dark by Kresley Cole

Tweet Liviania’s review of Demon from the Dark (Immortals After Dark, Book 10) by Kresley Cole Paranormal romance released by Pocket 24 August 10 In a long-running series like Kresley Cole’s Immortals After Dark, everyone has their favorites.  (Fans of the...

REVIEW: Unbridled by Beth Williamson

Tweet Sandy M’s review of Unbridled by Beth Williamson Contemporary Erotic Romance published by Berkley Trade 6 Jul 10 I’ve been on a little bit of a western kick lately, so I was looking forward to this book when I heard about it. Unfortunately, I have a...

REVIEW: One Weekend by Sasha White

Tweet Sandy M’s review of One Weekend by Sasha White Erotic Short Story published by Samhain 5 Apr 10 Because of  one of a reader’s favorite saying — too many books, not enough time — I’ve not not read a huge amount of Sasha White’s...

REVIEW: Sins of the Heart by Eve Silver

Tweet Liviania’s review of Sins of the Heart (Otherkin, Book 1) by Eve Silver Paranormal romance released by HQN 1 Aug 10 I began this novel late at night, intending to read a chapter or two before I went to sleep.  Note that I was already half asleep at this...