by LynneC | Dec 2, 2010 | Ponderings |
Tweet I’ve done a fair few things since I joined the writing world. I’ve edited (don’t do it anymore – the pay wasn’t brilliant and it detracted from my own writing time), I review and I write. And, of course, I read. When Syb asked me if I wanted to review for TGTBTU...
by Ash | Dec 2, 2010 | Review |
Tweet Ash’s review of No Place to Run (KGI Series, Book 2) by Maya Banks Romantic Suspense published by Berkley 07 Dec 10 I have been waiting for this book since I read the last page of The Darkest Hour. My expectations were pretty high and while I enjoyed it...
by Sandy M | Dec 1, 2010 | Guests and Events |
Tweet First, we’d like to thank Dee Tenorio for guest blogging with us a few weeks ago. It was a fun day and if you didn’t stop by, well, you missed out! We have a winner for any book in Dee’s backlist – reader’s choice! How cool is that?...
by Sandy M | Dec 1, 2010 | Excerpt, Guests and Events |
Tweet As I said in my review of Beneath the Thirteen Moons, Kathryne Kennedy has a stunning, awesome imagination, coming up with story ideas readers haven’t read before. At least this reader hasn’t. I think this first chapter of the book will bring that...
by Sandy M | Dec 1, 2010 | Review |
Tweet Sandy M’s review of Beneath the Thirteen Moons by Kathryne Kennedy Paranormal Romance published by Sourcebooks Casablanca 1 Dec 10 I always look forward to reading a Kathryne Kennedy book. She’s one of those authors who has a stunning imagination and...