Class In the Historical Romance

Class In the Historical Romance

Tweet Before I start this – please remember I’m talking generalisations, about the zeitgeist. There are always exceptions to the rule, always exceptional people and situations, but citing their examples doesn’t make it the norm. Authors generally work with the...

REVIEW: Compromised by Kate Noble

Tweet LauraD’s review of Compromised by Kate Noble Historical Romance released by Berkley Trade 4 Mar 08 Historical Romance gains a new author in Kate Noble and Compromised is her first novel. In an unusual move, Penguin has released it in trade paperback...

REVIEW: After the Kiss by Suzanne Enoch

Tweet LauraD’s review of After the Kiss: The Notorious Gentlemen by Suzanne Enoch Historical Romance published by Avon 24 Jun 08 I have a conflicted relationship with Suzanne Enoch; I have been unable to get into her contemporary series starring cat...

Review: Remember Me? by Sophie Kinsella

Tweet LauraD’s review of Remember Me? by Sophie Kinsella Chick Lit hardcover release by Dial Press 26 Feb 08 Trade Paperback release 28 Oct 08 What if one day you woke up and all those little daydreams had suddenly come true? You’d lost 20 pounds, your...

Lisa Kleypas: How moi gets ideas

Tweet Today’s guest author, Lisa Kleypas, gives us a peek into her process… Dear Friends, By far the most common question people ask writers is “how do you get your ideas?” and no, I never get tired of answering because if you give a REAL...