It’s Hot Out There! Contest Winner

Tweet Thanks to all of you who stopped by to chat with us about old Mr. Sun giving us too much heat and what you do to combat the summer doldrums. We had a lot of fun reading all of your responses. And now to our winner of that terrific stack of books: A Wicked Lord...

CONTEST: It’s Hot Out There!

Tweet At least it is in my part of the world! However, we’ve been fairly lucky this summer here in the San Joaquin Valley of Central California. We had a beautiful cool-down in July for a couple of weeks, a time when it’s 100+ degrees, even in the shade....

The Pittfalls of Social Media

Tweet Well, this is a very vague and open topic… but of course I’m going to limit it to the romance community. I think we all know that what you do online can come back to haunt you- right or wrong. Authors sometimes go a little… er, crazy? Over...

DUCK FLASH: The Radio is Squawking Again!

Tweet This just in… The old Squawk Radio gang is back in action! ~ Elizabeth Bevarly, Connie Brockway, Christina Dodd, Eloisa James, Lisa Kleypas, and Teresa Medeiros have gotten together to choose five of their favorite blogs from the old squawking days. ~ So...