REVIEW: What the River Knows by Isabel Ibanez

Kaitlyn‘s review of What the River Knows (Secrets of the Nile, Book 1) by Isabel Ibanez
Historical Fantasy published by Wednesday Books 31 Oct 23

Egypt in the 1800’s, magical artifacts, archeological dig sites, an infuriatingly handsome British man, the search for Cleopatra’s lost tomb. This book has so many incredible elements and is such a fun time. I love it and can’t wait for Book 2. It’s marketed as The Mummy meets Death on the Nile, and that couldn’t be more perfect. It’s just the right combination of intrigue, action, and adventure.

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REVIEW: Silver Lady by Mary Jo Putney

Veena’s review of Silver Lady by Mary Jo Putney
Historical Romance published by Kensington 28 Nov 23 

Certain gifts can be dangerous indeed. Bran Tremanyne was abandoned by his biological family when he began to exhibit certain paranormal gifts. Saved by another similarly gifted young boy, the two are found and adopted by the Tremaynes, who are gifted themselves and seek to save other gifted ones. What is it that pulls him back to his birthplace, now all grown up and successful?

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REVIEW: Lessons from a One-Night Stand by Piper Rayne

Lessons from a One-Night Stand: The Baileys, Book 1Sandy M’s review of Lessons from a One-Night Stand (The Baileys, Book 1) by Piper Rayne
Contemporary Romance Audiobook published by Audible 11 Mar 19

At first I was pretty irritated that my car CD player suddenly stopping working. I listen to audiobooks constantly in the car. So I did the next best thing – plugged in my iPhone and pulled up some audiobooks to choose from. I came across this book and thought, “Why not?” I’ve never read Piper Rayne, and I’m always looking for new authors to read. After the first few pages, I was completely invested in this crazy family and look forward to getting into all their stories in the future.

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REVIEW: The Ghost Illusion by Kat Martin

Veena’s review of The Ghost Illusion by Kat Martin
Romantic Suspense published by Kensington 26 Sep 23

It took me a while to warm up to this book. For some reason, I found the beginning very dark and almost frightening. I suppose that’s actually a good testimonial for a ghost story. Having set it aside for some time, I am glad that I went back to it, because it sucked me in and kept me on the edge of darkness, romance and all.
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REVIEW: The Blonde Identity by Ally Carter

Kaitlyn‘s review of The Blonde Identity by Ally Carter
Contemporary Romance published by Avon 8 Aug 23

Let me start by saying the YA spy school for girls series, Gallagher Girls, by @theallycarter was one of my all-time favorite series growing up. When I saw she wrote an adult spy romcom, I literally squealed in excitement. I never worked so fast to get an ARC in my life and then threw my TBR out the window to immediately devour this book.

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REVIEW: A Heart Restrained by Jennifer Wilck

Sandy M’s review of A Heart Restrained (Scarred Hearts, Book 3) by Jennifer Wilck
Contemporary Romance published by The Wild Rose Press 27 Mar 23

This is my first book by Jennifer Wilck. I like the premise of the story and I enjoyed Caleb and Fiona as they get to know one another throughout the book, starting as adversaries and slowly making their way toward a happy and satisfying relationship. Unfortunately, it’s Caleb who has problems getting to the same place Fiona is.

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REVIEW: The Night Island by Jayne Ann Krentz

Veena’s review of Night Island (Lost Night Files, Book 2) by Jayne Ann Krentz
Romantic Suspense published by Berkley 09 Jan 24

Talia March, along with her cohosts of the podcast “Lost Night Files,” is trying to track down the truth behind their own lost night. When she shows up for a meeting with an informant, she runs into Luke Rand, who’s also seeking answers to his lost night and the nightmares that indicate he might have killed someone.

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REVIEW: Bride by Ali Hazelwood

Kaitlyn‘s review of Bride by Ali Hazelwood
Paranormal Romance published by Ali Hazelwood 6 Feb 24

If we’re going off vibes, this was phenomenal, and I had a blast reading it. If we’re being objective, then I think the fantasy world building could have been improved, because the modern world setting still left me with a lot of questions. But I had the best time binging this, so vibes win out.

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