REVIEW: The Spirit Girls by Dawn Merriman

Product ImageStevie‘s review of The Spirit Girls (Rylan Flynn Mystery, Book 1) by Dawn Merriman
Paranormal Romantic Suspense published by ‎Second Sky 09 May 23

The premise of this book really appealed to me – Rylan can see spirits and makes a ghost-hunting YouTube series with her best friend, as well as helping the dead move on once the main part of the filming is done. Sadly, the execution let it down. Rylan has an antagonistic relationship with local police officer Ford Pierce, who (understandably, given his profession) doesn’t like Rylan and her friend poking around in potentially dangerous, old buildings. What Rylan interprets as signs of hauntings, Ford possibly views as evidence that the building is about to collapse. Not to mention how he can’t be seen as condoning trespassers.

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REVIEW: Among the Heather by Samantha Young

Sandy M’s review of Among the Heather (Highlands, Book 2) by Samantha Young
Contemporary Romance published by Samantha Young 5 Dec 23

Samantha Young never fails to draw me into her stories with characters and storylines that are always intriguing and pull at my heartstrings. North and Aria both have their self-confidence issues, being products of Hollywood in one form or another. When they meet at Ardnoch Caste in the Scottish Highlands, where the wealthy elite come to hide or get away from it all, things don’t go well. We get to go along for the slow-burn ride before that happily ever after finally concedes.

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REVIEW: Funny Story by Emily Henry

Kaitlyn‘s review of Funny Story by Emily Henry
Contemporary Romance published by Berkley 23 Apr 24

To say I’m an Emily Henry fan is a serious understatement. I’ll read anything this woman writes – she can do no wrong.

This is A LITERAL MASTERPIECE. I laughed out loud at least 837 times. The banter is PERFECTION. Seriously, some of her wittiest writing yet. I had so much fun with this book. I binged it in five hours and was devastated when it was over. The writing is flawless, and I would die for the side characters.

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REVIEW: Archangel’s Lineage by Nalini Singh

Veena’s review of Archangel’s Lineage (Guild Hunter, Book 16) by Nalini Singh
Paranormal Romance published by Berkley 23 Apr 24 

Peace is in the rear-view mirror and Armageddon is here. The entire world is on the brink of destruction, and the archangels have to race against time to figure it out.  Cassandra, not yet fully asleep, decides to meddle one last time and send them help. read more…

REVIEW: Butcher & Blackbird by Brynne Weaver

Kaitlyn‘s review of Butcher & Blackbird, Ruinous Love Trilogy, Book 1) by Brynne Weaver
Romantic Suspense Comedy published by Zando – Slowburn 23 Oct 23

First off, let me say it’s pretty hard to rattle me. I’ve spent a lot of time with cadavers. (This is way less weird when I mention I have a master’s in anatomy and sometimes help with medical school gross anatomy courses – lol) So it’s pretty hard to gross me out, but there are a few times in this book where even I was like “oh my 🤢🤮” 😂

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REVIEW: Expiration Dates by Rebecca Serle

Sandy M’s review of Expiration Dates by Rebecca Serle
Contemporary Romance published by Atria Books 19, Mar 24

I’m always thrilled now when I discover Rebecca Serle has a new release on the way. I discovered her a few years ago and have loved every book by her that I’ve read. I really enjoy the little “paranormal” bits she adds to her stories, making them more intriguing as we learn about her characters and how they deal with those other-worldly aspects. So far, for me, she’s been very successful in that respect. So I was really looking forward to this book to see what she’s come up with now.

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REVIEW: Blitz by Devney Perry

Sandy M’s review of Blitz (Treasure State Wildcats, Book 2) by Devney Perry
Contemporary Romance published by Devney Perry 7 Mar 24

Another emotionally charged story from Devney Perry. She’s become quite expert at giving characters we love nearly impossible situations to overcome, and this book is no exception. A coach and a student find themselves caught up in a firestorm of lust and love, and try as they might to follow the rules of Treasure State University, they fall deeper and deeper into trouble that will eventually lead them to the best part of their lives.

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REVIEW: The Daydreams by Laura Hankin

Product ImageStevie‘s review of The Daydreams by Laura Hankin
Women’s Fiction published by Berkley 02 May 23

I think a lot of us have at least a passing fascination with child (or teen) stars, and what happens to them once they grow up. Being a child of the ’80s and early ’90s, I visualise The Daydreams as a cross between The Monkees and Buffy…, but without the vampires. I know there were a bunch of early 2000s shows about teens in bands, but most of those passed me by. Back to the fictional TV series at the centre of this novel: The Daydreams ran for two seasons and then imploded spectacularly on live TV as the season’s finale went horrifically wrong. Now, 13 years later, the one member of the original cast to have continued to enjoy the limelight for all the right reasons has declared his openness to a reunion with the other stars, much to the horror of our viewpoint character, Kat.

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REVIEW: The Night Hunt by Alexandra Christo

Kaitlyn‘s review of The Night Hunt by Alexandra Christo
Romantic Fantasy published by Feiwel & Friends 10 Oct 23

She’s a monster who feeds on fear, cursed and stripped of her powers and immortality. He’s a Herald of the gods, ferrying the dead to the afterlife, but can’t remember his own past. If they work together, they may be able to recover what was taken from them by the gods. They just need to kill a vampire, a banshee, and one of the gods to break their curses.

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