REVIEW: Swallowing Darkness by Laurell K. Hamilton

Tweet Gwen’s review of Swallowing Darkness (Meredith Gentry, Book 7) by Laurell K. Hamilton Fantasy fiction released by Ballantine Books 4 Nov 08 The Meredith Gentry novels resonate with me on several levels: they’re fantasy novels, they have lots of...

Review: A Lick of Frost by Laurell K. Hamilton

Tweet Bev(QB)’s review of A Lick of Frost (Meredith Gentry, Book 6) by Laurell K. Hamilton Fantasy fiction released by Ballantine Books on 23 Oct 07 It all started with Hamilton wondering “What if?” What if the myths of Faery were real. How would the...

Review: Mona Lisa Craving by Sunny

Tweet Bev(QB)’s review of Mona Lisa Craving (Monére: Children of the Moon, Book 5) by Sunny Paranormal Fantasy romance released 2 Jan 08 by Berkley Trade Well, hell. NOW what am I supposed to do? It’s just no fun reading these Sunny books if she’s not gonna...

Long Time No Quack

Tweet How Ya? I am slowly ‘trying’ to dip my toes back into the pond.  My internet is still touch and go but I am trying to work with it.  Lawson was a doll and let me babysit her laptop for a weekend.  So I am down from 1200+ emailsbut still fighting.  I...