REVIEW: The Unmaking of June Farrow by Adrienne Young

Kaitlyn‘s review of The Unmaking of June Farrow by Adrienne Young
Paranormal Mystery published by Dell 17 Oct 23

Adrienne Young’s the absolute BEST. I couldn’t read this book fast enough. The secrets are so intriguing and the entire storyline is just perfection. Go into this one blind, all you need to know is in a small town the Farrow women are plagued by madness. A year ago June started to feel it creeping in. Now she has some very big decisions to make.

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REVIEW: The Head That Wears the Crown by Mariah Stewart

Sandy M’s review of The Head That Wears the Crown by Mariah Stewart
Contemporary Romance published by Montlake 10 Oct 23

It’s been quite some time since I’ve read Mariah Stewart (not for lack of not wanting to, just too many books, as we all know!), and the title of this one intrigued me. I’m glad I made the right decision to read it. This is a fun story that takes you away to Saint Gilbert, where fairytales do come true.

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REVIEW: Sisters of Sword & Song by Rebecca Ross

Kaitlyn‘s review of Sisters of Sword and Song by Rebecca Ross
Young Adult Fantasy Romance published by HarperTeen 23 Jun 20

This is my new absolute favorite fantasy standalone. I was immediately drawn into the story and loved the two sisters. The plot is fantastic and the writing, as always, is beautiful. This is dual POV between two sisters, one a warrior accused of murder and the other, equally brave, who volunteers to serve part of her sister’s sentence.

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REVIEW: The Undertaking of Hart and Mercy by Megan Bannen

Kaitlyn‘s review of The Undertaking of Hart and Mercy (Hart and Mercy, Book 1) by Megan Bannen
Paranormal Romance published by Orbit 23 Aug 23

If you strip The Undertaking of Hart and Mercy down to its core, it’s basically You’ve Got Mail, but with zombies, a mortician, and a pistol-crossbow-toting marshal. You might be thinking, “Um, Kaitlyn, that’s ridiculous.” Let me tell you, you’d be WRONG. This book is perfection. The postal workers are also god-blessed sassy little animals that can talk…immediate A+.

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REVIEW: Of Magic and Men by Meg Alivien

Kaitlyn‘s review of Of Magic and Men (Of Magic and Men, Book 1) by Meg Alivien
Fantasy Romance published by Duke Books 10 Oct 23

The premise of witches and the warlocks cursed to be animalistic demons is so incredibly cool. The way the story is structured and organized keeps you on the edge of your seat and guessing the entire time. As a debut fantasy novel, it checks all the boxes I love.

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REVIEW: Liar by Fern Michaels

Veena’s review of Liar (Lost and Found, Book 3) by Fern Michaels
Romantic Suspense published by Zebra Books 22 Aug 23 

An exciting and fast-paced action-adventure story that is totally in my wheelhouse. Luna is a psychic. When she finds herself inside an old armoire that her brother just acquired at auction, it speaks to her of a decades’ old kidnapping case that was never solved. With her friends, and especially her U.S, Marshall boyfriend, it is finally time to put the mystery to rest.

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REVIEW: One Night by Georgina Cross

Product ImageStevie‘s review of One Night by Georgina Cross
Psychological Thriller published by Bantam 01 Aug 23

Ten years ago, Meghan Chisholm was found dead, drowned in a creek after being struck on the head during a party to celebrate the end of term. The youngest of Meghan’s two sisters claimed to have seen Meghan arguing with her boyfriend Cal close to the creek, and he was subsequently convicted of Meghan’s murder. Now Cal has been released, and mysterious letters have been delivered to Meghan’s parents, her sisters, her father’s second wife, and a close family friend, inviting them all to spend the night at a holiday home, close to where they all stayed one summer before Meghan’s death.

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REVIEW: Inheritance by Nora Roberts

Sandy M’s review of Inheritance (Lost Brides, Book 1) by Nora Roberts
Paranormal Romance published by St. Martin’s Press 21 Nov 23

We all know the old saying, when it comes to our favorites in life, so-and-so could write or sing the phonebook and we would love it. Nora Roberts is one of those for me. I received the advanced copy of this book months and months ago, and I could not wait to get started on it, even though it didn’t release until this month. Because I wanted more details fresh in my mind for writing my review, I decided to re-read Inheritance, even though I have tons of books waiting in the wings to be read. Oh, poor me, but, then again, the phonebook has never pulled me in to a story so completely, even on the second time around.

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