I vant to bite your book WINNERS

Tweet I am proud to announce the winner to the I vant to bite your book contest for the three ARCs from Lynsay Sands. The winner is . . . . Christine! Congratulations to Christine and I’m also happy to announce that since Avon was so generous with prizes...

Rowe’s Costume Contest Winner

Tweet Congratulations to Linda Watson! On Stephanie Rowe’s Spooktacular post about the best (or worst) costume, Linda won for her tale about dressing up as. . .a feminine hygiene product. That takes some cajones sister. 😉 Thanks to everyone who commented about...

Why have a Day when you can have a Week?

Tweet The Spooktacular Mistress of Randomness is hard at work coming up with da winners of da contest of spooktacular tales. (she has turned them in and is just waiting on that slow duckie gwen) We are going to kidnap Kathryn. She is leaving tomorrow for a booksigning...

Deborah Cooke’s Spooktacular Winner

Tweet The Spooktacular Deborah Cooke already announced her winner on her blog so hey I figured we should here too. Deborah Cooke wants to be a princess in drag(on) winner is: Kim Please email your address to redwyne @ redwyne . com (no spaces)! Thanks! Share...