Nora Roberts Movie Marathon

Tweet It’s Nora Robert’s movie day on Lifetime. They’ve played Sanctuary already and Blue Smoke started at 11 AM Central. What else is up? Carolina Moon is on at 1 PM Central, followed by Montana Sky at 3 PM Central and Angel’s Fall at 5 PM...

Congrats Liz Carlyle!!

Tweet We must give Liz Carlyle a big ol sqqquuuuuuueeeeeeeee! Her newest novel Never Deceive a Duke has placed on the NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER LIST! And not only did it hit the list… it is number 10!!! Way to go Liz! We were lucky enough to have Liz guest in...

Joey Hill falls to the lure of the blogosphere…

Tweet Joey has discovered the joys of blogging.  Go check it out. I’m hoping she drops more tidbits about her works in progress as she blogs.  And if you haven’t read it yet, I highly recommend The Vampire Queen’s Servant.  It’s a...