by Sybil | Aug 28, 2007 | Uncategorized |
Tweet Laird of the Mist by Paula Quinn **Dec 2007** They call him The Devil, but his kiss is heaven. Protecting Her Was His Passion High-born though she is, Kate Campbell isn’t afraid to draw her sword. When raiders strike, she rushes into the fray…and is...
by Sybil | Aug 25, 2007 | Uncategorized |
Tweet No swan hats were harmed in the filming of this trailer… Well I don’t think they were. You can watch Sherrilyn Kenyon chat with some fan at Borders Live @ 01. Love her books or not, she really does seem to be a kool kat. Nothing has made me want to...
by Sybil | Aug 25, 2007 | Uncategorized |
Tweet Howl at the Moon (The Others, Book 4) by Christine Warren Noah Baker never wanted to betray The Others. But if his military commanders want him to covertly investigate a Lupine scientist—whose extraordinary research on sensory perception in werewolves could be...
by Gwen | Aug 21, 2007 | Uncategorized |
Tweet We love Lisa Marie Rice around here. She writes seriously steamy stuff with good plots and excellent character development. And she doesn’t take herself too seriously! I mean, how serious can a nom de plume be, after all. The mystery behind who this woman...
by Gwen | Aug 20, 2007 | Uncategorized |
Tweet I’m not sure what they put in their Wheaties last year to make it happen, but American primtime network television may actually be interesting this fall. There are even enough new paranormal shows that my TiVO might finally get a workout. Plus (and...
by Sybil | Aug 20, 2007 | Uncategorized |
Tweet My reading history?? As a child, I loved fairy tales. Since I’m the youngest of six siblings, including three older sisters, I especially liked the many, many fairy tales where the youngest sister is the prettiest, the most magical, gets the best...