by Sandy M | Jul 28, 2009 | Excerpt, Guests and Events |
Tweet We’re back for another day of Duck Chat! Welcome! Today we’re going to be talking to paranormal author Alexis Morgan. Alexis Paladins series hit the shelves in 2006 with the first book in the series, Dark Protector, and was followed closely by Dark...
by Sandy M | Jul 27, 2009 | Excerpt, Guests and Events |
Tweet Many thanks to Jenna Petersen for spending a very pleasant day with us here at the pond during her Duck Chat a few weeks ago! We now have some winners to announce. Using that handy-dandy random number organizer and with a drumroll please, here they are: A copy...
by Sandy M | Jul 23, 2009 | Excerpt, Guests and Events |
Tweet Welcome to another fun day of Duck Chat! Today is your lucky day because Joey W. Hill is here! Joey is a busy lady if her backlist of books is any indication. With all that writing, I’m surprised she has enough time left over for regular life! But...
by Sandy M | Jul 21, 2009 | Excerpt, Guests and Events |
Tweet Glad to have you back at Duck Chat today! Elisabeth Naughton is our guest, and if you haven’t started her Stolen trilogy yet, you need to! Terrific action, suspense, and romance in a variety of adventures for her characters. Don’t miss out!...
by Sandy M | Jul 21, 2009 | Excerpt, Guests and Events |
Tweet We’d like to thank Nancy Haddock for the fun Duck Chat we had with her last month! Are you ready? Huh? Huh? Well, give me that old drumroll and I’ll take care of your curiosity for you! Winner of a copy of Nancy’s La Vida Vampire is Ann...
by Sandy M | Jul 16, 2009 | Excerpt, Guests and Events |
Tweet We’re back for another day of Duck Chat! Welcome. Dana Marie Bell is with us today. If you’re a shapeshifter fan, you’ll love Dana’s books. Her first ebook published in April of 2008, Dana hasn’t looked back and now has a successful...