Alexis Morgan Winner!

Tweet The pond was a happenin’ place when Alexis Morgan joined us for her Duck Chat not too long ago! Thank you, Alexis, for being with us. And now guess what! Yep, it’s winner time! Using that handy-dandy random number generator, Jackie B (11)...

EXCERPT: Breath of Fire by Tammy Kane

Tweet It was all the color displayed on this cover for Breath of Fire that first caught my attention when browsing in the bookstore. Then the title made me curious. The back cover blurb clinched it and I bought the book on the spot. I didn’t even have any...

We Have Your Joey W. Hill Winner!

Tweet What a fun day we had with Joey W. Hill during her Duck Chat here at the Pond! Thanks for being with us, Joey! Now hold onto your hats! Here’s the winner of an autographed copy of Beloved Vampire using that handy-dandy random number generator: **Edie (14)...