by Sandy M | Dec 9, 2009 | Excerpt |
Tweet Have you made that trip to the bookstore for your very own copies of Jessica Andersen’s Nightkeepers series after reading all the excerpts today? Well, hurry! You don’t want to miss this last one! We’re closing our day out with Skykeepers, the...
by Sandy M | Dec 9, 2009 | Excerpt |
Tweet If you’re just now joining us today, you’re still in time for all the fun with Jessica Andersen’s Nightkeepers series. Be sure to also check out her Duck Chat and the excerpt from Nightkeepers, the first book in the series. They’re both...
by Sandy M | Dec 9, 2009 | Excerpt |
Tweet Jessica Andersen hit gold with her idea to use the Mayan Long Count calendar as the concept for her Final Prophecy series. There will be a lot of interest and intrigue during the journey to the earth’s demise, so we’re doing our part in making sure...
by Sandy M | Nov 26, 2009 | Excerpt |
Tweet JenB’s the lucky one to read Kathryn Smith’s latest, the second book in her Nightmare Chronicles series. But the rest of us are not totally left out! Take a gander at this exclusive excerpt of Dark Side of Dawn and then tell me you won’t be...
by Sandy M | Nov 18, 2009 | Excerpt |
Tweet I have read a few of Shiloh’s books, not nearly as many as I’d like. Unfortunately, of those few books I’ve read only one Hunters book, The Huntress. Yeah, shame on me. Especially because I so enjoy Shiloh’s work. So whether you’ve...
by Sandy M | Nov 4, 2009 | Excerpt |
Tweet I’ve been a fan of C.L. Wilson’s Tairen Soul series since the very first book. I was lucky enough to get an ARC of that book, Lord of the Fading Lands, a couple of months before its release date back in 2007. I was instantly enraptured by the story,...