EXCERPT: Shaken by Dee Tenorio

Tweet While their world may be shaken up in more ways than one, Julia and Grant are also very explosive together, even despite their distance as of late and the tragedy that led to to their current situation. Amid the anguish, the anger, the sorrow is a burning need,...

EXCERPT: Montana Dawn by Caroline Fyffe

Tweet I’ve had the pleasure to read and review both of Caroline Fyffe’s books, Where the Wind Blows and Montana Dawn, and each time when I closed the books after reading the last word, I was left with a feeling of contentment, of rightness, of experiencing...

EXCERPT: Taurus Eyes by Bonnie Hearn Hill

Tweet I’m not much of a young adult reader myself. I do love the Harry Potter books, but I can do without the Twilight books, and that’s about it for me. However, I’m really enjoying learning about Bonnie Hearn Hill’s new Star Crossed series...

EXCERPT: Impulsive by Cathryn Fox

Tweet Now that you’ve had a peek of Instinctive, the first book in Cathryn’s Eternal Pleasure series, here’s the excerpt of Impulsive, which is her newest release, on the shelves as of today. Make sure you drop by your local bookstore while...

EXCERPT: Instinctive by Cathryn Fox

Tweet I was going to give you all the excerpt from Impulsive, Cathryn’s latest release and second book in her Eternal Pleasure series. But then I thought, well, since it’s only two books into the series, why not give you excerpts from both so far. Why not,...