OVERVIEW: Queen of Song and Souls

Tweet Action begins the war in this edition of the series in Queen of Song and Souls. I remember my heart thudding with each throw of a fey’cha or thrust of a sword or toss of a magical ball of fire. Ms. Wilson pulls no punches in the beginning of this war with...

OVERVIEW: Lady of Light and Shadows

Tweet Lady of Light and Shadows is the second half of C.L. Wilson’s original 1,000-page manuscript. That’s one of the reasons (a 1,000-page manuscript from a new author being another) her Tairen Soul series was rejected several times before finally being...

OVERVIEW: Lord of the Fading Lands

Tweet I look at this cover now and think how crazy I was to judge the fantasy story inside as something I probably wouldn’t like. Now this cover as well as the other four in this series are some of my favorites. The old saying is true: Don’t judge a book...

EXCERPT: Shaken by Dee Tenorio

Tweet Had to give you one last look at Dee Tenorio’s Shaken. It’s been a fun day. Thank you, Dee, for being with us. And thank you for a terrific story. Hopefully our readers today will take our word for it that they need to read this book. Soon. Julia...