by Sandy M | Mar 29, 2011 | Excerpt |
Tweet A tortured, cursed hero who has to learn humility and earn love the hard way – a very hard way. A heroine who knows nothing of the Fae magic she possesses and unknowingly uses it to conjure her soulmate seven hundred years from the past. This couple must...
by LynneC | Mar 16, 2011 | Excerpt |
Tweet Maiden Lane is a Richard and Rose book. It’s the penultimate in the current cycle, and could be the last we hear from Rose for a time. The first Richard and Rose book, Yorkshire, is the first book I had published. There was no way, I thought, that anyone...
by Sandy M | Mar 9, 2011 | Excerpt |
Tweet A sexy cowboy about to lose his ranch, he’s the oldest of three brothers, so it’s up to him to take on the responsibility of a second job to keep their life dream going. But when he answers an ad for work at a local bar, he ends up taking on a job he...
by LynneC | Mar 8, 2011 | Excerpt |
Tweet This is a bit different! But I have two new releases this month in different genres with different publishers. There are stories behind both, and hopefully they’ll tell you a little bit about what goes on behind the books. There’s an exclusive...
by Sandy M | Feb 23, 2011 | Excerpt |
Tweet Hopefully you’ve read Julia Justiss’ Guest Blog with us today where she gives you some insight into Greville Anders, society’s most disreputable gentleman who has turned a new leaf after eight harrowing months with the Royal Navy, something...
by Sandy M | Feb 17, 2011 | Excerpt |
Tweet Three stories in one book. How can you go wrong with that? You can’t. Especially because of the way Leigh Michaels has written her characters, including the house that brings them all together one way or another. An earl buys a house next door to his own...