REVIEW: Demon from the Dark by Kresley Cole

Tweet Liviania’s review of Demon from the Dark (Immortals After Dark, Book 10) by Kresley Cole Paranormal romance released by Pocket 24 August 10 In a long-running series like Kresley Cole’s Immortals After Dark, everyone has their favorites.  (Fans of the...

REVIEW: Sins of the Heart by Eve Silver

Tweet Liviania’s review of Sins of the Heart (Otherkin, Book 1) by Eve Silver Paranormal romance released by HQN 1 Aug 10 I began this novel late at night, intending to read a chapter or two before I went to sleep.  Note that I was already half asleep at this...

REVIEW: Sin’s Daughter by Eve Silver

Tweet Liviania’s review of Sin’s Daughter (Otherkin, Prequel) by Eve Silver Paranormal romance novella released by HQN 1 July 10 When I really started paying attention to romance blogs, everybody was going crazy for Driven by Eve Kenin.  I picked it up...

REVIEW: House of Stone by Vaughn R. Dermot

Tweet Liviania’s review of House of Stone by Vaughn R. Dermot Gay urban fantasy released by Samhain 22 Jun 2010 In a time when I seem to be frustrated by blurbs more often than not, since they’re usually confusing or give half the book away, the Samhain blurbs...