by Gwen | Aug 27, 2007 | Quacking About, The Pond |
Tweet I thought I’d share a peek into what I’m reading right now. I’ll be posting my views on these books over the next couple of weeks. I noticed looking at this list that the only romance genre I’m missing is Western! (Abject apologies,...
by Gwen | Aug 26, 2007 | Review |
Tweet Gwen’s review of Gideon (The Nightwalkers, Book 2) by Jacquelyn Frank Paranormal romance published 1 Jun 2007 by Zebra This is the second book in Frank’s Nightwalkers series. The first was Jacob, and the third will be Elijah, which is coming from...
by Gwen | Aug 22, 2007 | Quacking About, The Pond |
Tweet Monday afternoon, I’m sitting there, minding my own business, when BAM! my right eye starts giving me all nature of problems. It starts to hurt, it’s getting red, it weeps, it hurts. Oh, and did I mention it hurts? This gets progressively worse...
by Gwen | Aug 21, 2007 | Guests and Events |
Tweet We love Lisa Marie Rice around here. She writes seriously steamy stuff with good plots and excellent character development. And she doesn’t take herself too seriously! I mean, how serious can a nom de plume be, after all. The mystery behind who this woman...
by Gwen | Aug 21, 2007 | Uncategorized |
Tweet We love Lisa Marie Rice around here. She writes seriously steamy stuff with good plots and excellent character development. And she doesn’t take herself too seriously! I mean, how serious can a nom de plume be, after all. The mystery behind who this woman...