by Gwen | Sep 14, 2007 | Uncategorized |
Tweet We’re running some new masthead and icon ideas around the track, seeing which ones will win.  The top two images below are masthead ideas for the site. The rest are icon ideas – small images meant to represent the whole site when the full...
by Gwen | Sep 11, 2007 | Uncategorized |
Tweet Some things I found on the web this morning that made me snicker like an adolescent: Madonna and Guy Ritchie’s sex life is VERRRRRY interesting. Note the looks on their faces – hers is secretive and excited, his is excited and anticipatory! I...
by Gwen | Sep 10, 2007 | Guests and Events |
Tweet  And we have even MORE winners! No need to be shocked! We actually know what we’re doing around here. Most days… At least, we tell ourselves that. After the third (fourth?) margarita. The three winners of an unsigned copy of Lisa Marie...
by Gwen | Sep 10, 2007 | Guests and Events |
Tweet Yes! We have finally gotten around to awarding a winner! Now, now, don’t look so shocked. We do eventually get around to things around here! We’re only a 10 days late. The winner of the Immortals contest for ALL FOUR OF THE BOOKS is (drum roll,...
by Gwen | Sep 5, 2007 | Ponderings |
Tweet Hey Caroline – Never let it be said we don’t want our guests to be happy. 😉 Just for you… Joseph (Joe) Alberic Twisleton-Wykeham-Fiennes Height: 6′, Weight: I’m guessing about 180 lbs. Education: Art School (at age 16), 2 years at...