Review: Ice Storm by Anne Stuart

Tweet CindyS guest review of Ice Storm by Anne Stuart Romantic suspense published 1 Nov 07 by MIRA I love Anne Stuart and this book is very close to the top of her game in ‘General Fiction.’  Not so sure other readers will find this story all that...

The definition of Intelligence

Tweet  in·tel·li·gence  [in-tel-i-juhns]  –noun 1. capacity for learning, reasoning, understanding, and similar forms of mental activity; aptitude in grasping truths, relationships, facts, meanings, etc. —Synonyms: discernment, reason, acumen, aptitude,...

No Reservations Required! CONTEST WINNERS!

Tweet We actually have three winners of the Hwang Special Reserve scavenger hunt contest.  The winner of the First Prize and all NINE of the books is: Ashley The Second Place winner and recipient of SIX of the books is: Ashley Danielle The Third Place winner and...