Review: Highlander in Her Dreams by Allie Mackay

Tweet Gwen’s review of Highlander in Her Dreams by Allie Mackay Timetravel romance published 6 Nov 07 by Signet It’s possible that this author just isn’t my cuppa tea, or perhaps this wasn’t the best example of her work. Regardless what might...

Review: Down and Dirty by Sandra Hill

Tweet Gwen’s review of Down and Dirty by Sandra Hill Contemporary romance published 6 Nov 07 by Berkley Sensation Blurb: Navy SEAL Zachary Floyd is so pretty he’s been dubbed “Pretty Boy.”  Britta Asadottir is so big she’s been dubbed...

New Jersey gets a winner!!!

Tweet  Sybil’s been yelling at me to get this posted, but with all the Spooktacular fun to be had, I just didn’t have time! But I do now! The winner of the New Jersey Romance Author’s are Generous limerick/haiku contest and recipient of the...