REVIEW: Dark Possession by Christine Feehan

Tweet Gwen’s review of Dark Possession (The Carpathians (Dark) Series, Book 15) by Christine Feehan Paranormal romance hardcover published 28 Aug 07 by Berkley I’ve started this review four times.  To begin with, Feehan’s previous Dark novel, Dark...

Review: Highland Wolf by Hannah Howell

Tweet  Gwen’s review of Highland Wolf by Hannah Howell Historical romance published 2 Jan 08 by Zebra Books (Kensington) Here’s the book blurb: New York Times bestselling author Hannah Howell returns to the breathtaking Scottish Highlands with the...

REVIEW: Midnight Awakening by Lara Adrian

Tweet Gwen’s review of Midnight Awakening (The Midnight Breed, Book 3) by Lara Adrian Contemporary paranormal romance released by Dell 27 Nov 07 I really liked this novel. Adrian doesn’t drag us thru some sudden soul-mating, nor does she bank on a...