by Gwen | Apr 1, 2008 | Guests and Events, Quacking About |
Tweet Today we have the wonderful, talented, and multiple award winning, author and journalist Pamela Clare guesting with us. She’s here to mark the release of her latest romantic suspense, Unlawful Contact, and to spend some time with the TGTBTU readers....
by Gwen | Apr 1, 2008 | Review |
Tweet Gwen’s review of If His Kiss Is Wicked by Jo Goodman Historical romance released by Zebra 1 Sep 07 It surprised me that we hadn’t yet reviewed this book on TGTBTU. We’ve talked about it a lot, and several ducks have it on their list of...
by Gwen | Mar 30, 2008 | News, Quacking About |
Tweet Oh my goodness. I love Lora Leigh‘s books. I love them like a fat kid loves cake (TM Karen Scott). Her Breeds have a special place in my heart and her Bound Hearts books are right next to them. And guess what? She’s got a new Bound Hearts book...
by Gwen | Mar 29, 2008 | News, Quacking About |
Tweet Our head duck, Sybil, was able to wrangle this exclusive excerpt of Kresley Cole‘s 20 May 08 release, Dark Desires After Dusk, book 5 in her Immortals After Dark series. It’s the story of Cadeon Woede, a rage demon, and his human fated mate, Holly...
by Gwen | Mar 28, 2008 | News, Quacking About |
Tweet Another Immortal on the way!! From the beautiful and talented Kresley Cole is Book 5 in the Immortals After Dark series, Dark Desires After Dusk is releasing on May 20th! Read on for the blurb and eye-candy! And Sybil says we’ll be getting the excerpt...