Am I the only one that gets a feeling that one days Amazon will be like MTV? Instead of wondering why they never play music videos we will wonder where the books are. It shocks me how many different types of things you can get on amazon and how many people they have as Featured Partners from Target to WeightWatchers

Hell you can even get movie showtimes… who knew?

Does anyone use these features? Do you find that you get better deals that way? Why go through amazon vs the regular sites… like

Do you think the books suffer for this? Or the book buyer? What features do you use?

Do you view the ‘recommended for you’ page? If so how often: once a day, once a week, once a month, hardly ever or even never? Do you find that they recommend books you would read?

Do you have a wishlist? Is it private or public and what in the heck are those ‘tags? hee am I the only one who clicks off the ‘I Own It’ or ‘Not interested’ buttons? And if you rate it without leaving a review… does that mean anything?

Do you leave reviews there or copy your blog or website reviews to amazon?

And the question that got me started thinking on this all…. have you ever created a list on amazon? You know one of those 2006 Historical Romance books coming soon type lists. What made you decide to make one?

Give us a link so we can go lookie! Hell they even have discussion boards now, wow that is a flame war waiting to happen.