damn damn damn

I should so KnoW better than to do this by now but sometimes it is hard to not roll your eyes and put the book back. Way easy to do when you don’t know of the author and have never read anything by her.

I just read AAR’s review of Hope’s Captive by Kate Lyon. It is a western. I had it in my hands at walmart a few weeks back but there wasn’t anything else there I wanted, the lines were long and well the cover is blah. So I decided to put it back until I read something about it. It isn’t like I am hurting for books.

ACK! It sounds good. I want! And now I need to find it! Do we want to take bets I won’t be able to find it in a store? hmmm maybe it will be added to my BAMM order.

Really I know kristiej likes to harp on Avon and their covers but really I think Dorchester has them beat. At least on the historicals.