For those of you spending cash advertising on sites and blogs that use blog-city (dude what are you thinking?!?) might be interested in LLB’s blog post…
Blog Stats

It seems like the blog-city peeps are in a panic because their stats are lower (which many I guess base the rates they charge people). Blog-city explained to them that the counter they were uses counted bots. In case you don’t know…

Bots Are Bad

llb quotes the blog-city explanation that sort of sums it up well…

The majority of your hits come from automatic bots and search engines. For example, Google is your biggest culprit, they will come in and happily crawl your site daily if it feels it needs to. MSN is another huge crawler that will over crawl your site.


After the article is where I get lost, is she saying that there are no worries for AAR because they have the history to fall back on? The bot-filled history? Err isn’t that a bad thing to draw off of?

I mean I know each stat counter is different and almost everyone will give you a different number for the same day. Of course one of mine also clearly marks ‘bot hits’. But it can all be confusing… like a blog thanking people for their blog hitting a number in a few months that a many blogs hit in a few weeks because the owners didn’t understand what the numbers meant.
This is a big reason I have always been against romance review sites and blogs charging for ads and spotlights. Most of the time the author doesn’t know what they are looking at, I have seen ‘review sites’ with open stats showing less than 60 visits in a day charging over $125 for a ‘spotlight’. And worst thing is authors were doing it.

It is hard enough to write a book, get someone to buy it, get it published and then worry about marketing it… now authors need to be able to speak computer. It makes me sad. And then you see people like Falk trying to beat up on ‘mean grrl’ bloggers who do nothing more than get books out there because they like them. Of course since it seems Falk is a touch woo woo, the fact she just fucked the shit out of her karma is prolly punishment enough for measuring her mouth with her foot.

Then again what do I know…