The Preacher’s Daughter by Cheryl St. John
An untouched woman…
Lorabeth Holdridge longed for life and experience! Cloistered by her strict father, her world was confined to chores and prayer. Her chance of escape came when she took a job as a housekeeper to a boisterous family. Lorabeth reveled in her newfound freedom. And when Benjamin Chaney visited, she felt the stirrings of her first crush.
A hard-bitten man…
Jaded and cynical, Ben found it hard to trust, though Lorabeth’s sweetness soothed his battered soul and taught him joy. But he would have to face the demons of his past to find a glorious future in Lorabeth’s arms!
HH is getting more inspy looking lately or is that just me? The covers are so pretty. And I love Cheryl St. John’s books. I want. I have.
Sorry… just ignore me.
Cheryl St. John will be a guest on blog Monday June 11 aka today.
I agree with you on the Harlequin covers, Syb. There have been some that are very hard to resist when I run across them. I just discovered Cheryl St. John and have read a couple of her books so far and really enjoyed them. I even interviewed her for Historical Romance Club, and I enjoyed her so much. The Preacher’s Daughter is going to be another good one.
I think it’s about time with the cover overhaul. Personally I adore inspirational covers – not only are they oodles better than they used to be – they’ve managed to move forward while other genres (yeah, I’m looking at you romance) have remained stagnant. I’d much rather look at “ooooh purty” than man-titty-ific beefcake, but I suspect I’m one of the few 😉
Oh, and can’t wait for this one!
LOL I completely agree with you Wendy. And think this cover is great.
hmmm but don’t know if I would say that about all Inspy but I can say I have gone oh wow to be all sad when I found out it was an inspirational novel or romance…
Closest I get to inspy is HH and am super sad Jillian Hart seems to have moved to Steeple Hill or whatever.
Actually this book reminds me of my copy of CHRISTY by Catherine Marshall. Though my book is eons old and it couldn’t possibly be the same model…could it?
Sybil you are killing me with these bulletins of upcoming books. My list grows longer and longer for future purchases. I had to devise a whole new shopping list. This one will be added because thanks to Wendy I’m a HH convert and read Cheryl St. John.
Thanks for posting the cover and for the comments! You can go to my blog to see the picture I sent the art department. They got it perfect! Personally, I’m attracted to the western-looking covers — wait until you see Pam Crooks’ new one and Elizabeth Lane’s latest cowboy is to die for.
FYI, this is Benjamin Chaney’s story. If you read The Doctor’s Wife or The Lawman’s Bride, you’ll remember him as Ellie’s younger brother. Couldn’t wait to give him his own story!
Hmmm…I’m not really interested in inspirationals, but this looks good. I’m a sucker for strict preachers and their daughters. Like Footloose. Perhaps I shall dip my toe?
Actually, once upon a time I read an inspy on accident, and I definitely picked it up because it had a great cover.
er… I don’t think this is an inspy. Really it sounds like a daughter who will have issues with faith because of her stoopid father. A la Harlequin Historical.
But I could be wrong.
hee, Hey! Cheryl! Would you call this an inspirational? I would be mucho bitter if they stole my favorite author from me.
I would cry. There would be pouting. It could be ugly.
OK before the inpirational crowd comes and crucifies me. I am sure your novels are grand. And I am very happy you have them. I am very pro there should be books for everyone. Not so pro organized religion. It’s not you, it’s me. Really. But hey to each their own.
but could you STOP taking all the western authors… please and thank you
The Preacher’s Daughter is not an inspirational. My title was The Perfect Wife, which had already been used too recently. With Benjamin’s history, he thinks a sweet pure girl would be the perfect wife for him – the exact opposite of all he knew growing up. Lorabeth, on the other hand, has had enough of being stifled and has no desire to be placed on a pedestal. She wants to taste life and experience all she’s missed. Of course Benjamin is the man she wants to experience it all with.
Misleading cover and title perhaps?
Oops, I must’ve misunderstood. All the better for me. I just love books with preachers as the main or secondary character.
That is not that there’s anything wrong with inspys. One of the things that I love most about romance is that there is something to appeal to everyone. Inspirationals just don’t work for me.
LOL devon *g*
Cheryl, damn girl you’re quick! I think that it is cool and the covers are amazing. And in line with what I have seen HH doing lately. But the title and the newest of it might… cause a few people to go huh what?
But hey that is just me. I planned on getting it no matter. Meaning you are a hella favorite writer for me. 😉
I like the cover. It looks very turn-of-the-century American Impressionist, a la Charles C. Curran
Thanks, Seton! I loved those!
Oh its breathtaking!! is this a single title? I have read Cheryl with her HH and she’s awesome! When’s this out? I must go find your site Cheryl! And see what i’ve missed.
Hey Cathie,
I try to make it where the authors name will link to their site. So if you click on Cheryl St. John up in the post it takes you to her blog.
The release month I try to put in the title… so this I thought was July but it June (edited to fix that).
It is a Harlequin Historical and I do believe is linked to two of her earlier HH, The Doctor’s Wife and The Lawman’s Bride. Both great books but I really enjoyed The Doctor’s Wife.
Hi, Cathie!
The Preacher’s Daughter is a July release, but the shelf date is June 28. It is connected to The Doctor’s Wife. If you ever wondered what happened to Benjamin Chaney, now you will know.
And — this was fun: I had readers list their pet’s names on my blog, and I used them for the animals in the story. Can’t wait to see how many recognize the names they sent me.
Not only do I have this one, I’ve read and shall be sharing my thoughts (all good) tonight when I get a chance! *she said smugly*
(damn that work anyway! It always gets in the way)