A couple of things have happened recently that got me thinking. Yes a strange and scary thing in and of itself. You may recall Jane talked about authors needing to reach out and touch a reader. I sort of went ‘uh, no thanks’ on that one.

Then I stopped to think well, isn’t that what I do with my guest days & weeks? I think it is trip to have Jo Goodman answer questions. I am loving it that Lisa Marie Rice will guest and Shannon McKenna who both seem to enjoy Italy way more than spending time on the net. And well I can’t say I blame them *G*.

So I thought maybe Jane had a good point.

Then Barbara Samuel posted about the RITA and Why Readers Should Care. I have to say I had something of a what the fuck moment while reading that post. Reader bloggers do care, it can be argued we care a touch too much. Before I could get too annoyed I remembered many authors aren’t ‘plugged in’ and well Samuel’s has been moving more and more toward Woman’s Fiction. So maybe romanceland isn’t all that well travelled by her.

Of course that idea was shot to hell as Alison Kent kept saying no, she has romance coming out. And I found out not only was she aware of Dear Author and the different things the Ja(y)nes do to help keep readers informed but she had won the 100 bloggers blogging contest. A well established author who has won many a RITA, tells a reader she is hostile to the author agenda after accepting a prize that same reader created to help raise reader awarness of a new author.

::blink:: it was within the rules… but really that makes the whole hostile comment smell a touch too much for me.

Then last night I ran across a post by Tara Marie, which pretty much spelled out how I was feeling. So I am thinking many a reader was feeling the same way.

Next I ran across a post called The Reader/Author Canyon on WriteMinded written by Larissa (a soon to be published author) talking about the same RTB post that made me go WTF but from an author POV. She sez:

So why is this happening? Are authors exposing themselves too much? Are they not exposing themselves enough? I’ve seen comments about how authors are ingrates. I’ve seen comments about how readers are too harsh in their reviews–and that they don’t even have the qualifications to review. I’ve seen authors say they are readers too, and readers say that authors can’t be true readers anymore.

The comments are interesting. I hope Samantha Hunter comes back in a year to let us know how disappearing from all publicity but author signings and only letting people review her book if they buy it works for her.

As I was firmly back in my corner and thinking Jane was nuts and that I should stop any and all book talk for fear that I might help an author sell a book Sharon came on the scene and reminded me (in part) why I do like to do guest days, line weeks, contests, guest posts and just in general talk about books. She said:

I DO think that readers get a bum wrap. Im sure authors do too, but I guess I empathize with readers more because I am such a huge reader myself. So many readers spend a LOT of their time talking about romance books. I just don’t see the bad. They’re passionate, vocal, supportive and damn hard to please. Just the way I love em. And really, what’s wrong with that?

And then Jaci came along and made two great points that I think many an author forget:

Everything that everyone says has merit, unless it becomes a personal attack against the author or reader as a person, and those I don’t listen to.

I also don’t have to agree with someone’s opinion about any of my books, or an opinion someone else makes about a book I’ve read. Isn’t freedom a wonderful thing?

Love that! So, so true and if you look at the comment, I think it speaks volumes. The successful authors are really easy to pick out.

At the same time Jaci touched on something I have been giving a lot of thought to recently, reviews and the personal attacks. That is against the rules right? A huge no, no! I recently emailed a friend and told her, I know it is none of my business and probably completely out of line but when you said X you crossed that line. Authors private lives shouldn’t be involved in a review of the book. She was completely cool with it (my most vocal and horrid reactions to anything I have done online have been from reviewers, go figure).

(Yeah, sort of amazing anyone returns my emails huh? I am an oddity maybe because this is me. What you see is what you get no matter online or in person, which is something Emma Sinclair touched on [in general not about me] but that is a whole other post)

Later on I was thinking on the whole thing again, which is normal and spoke to another reader about it. She made me stop and think. Yes that is the ‘rule’ but why. I say unless the author invites its. Meaning… LKH… she invites you to stare and compare. Maybe that is just me?

But what about those blog posts… the ones that tell TMI like there is no such thing as TMI. I had no answer because “I” don’t believe in Too Much Information. I delight in talking about sex and all of lifes messy details. But if you are an author and your job is to create books for me to read – if you pony up info how am I not suppose to have that help shape my view of your book.

You thank your hubby for all he has done and talk about how you met sparked the idea for the story. You tell the reader your novel is based on X. You let it all hang out on your blog like they do on The Lipstick Chronicles or Jacquelyn Frank does. Where is the line? Is there a line?

How do I the reader keep that separate? Does that mean I agree with Larissa because I don’t think I do. And god help us all if the answer is etiquette lessons from someone whom I would be shocked knows what the word means.

And then I went back to Tara Marie’s blog. I went back to Kristiej’s oh so nifty author ‘touch’. I went back to Jane, who instead of reacting as I would have, took the whine-a-rita and turned it into another contest. More money out of her pocket to do something RWA, the publishers or the authors who think nothing of the RITA fees, cost of buying OOP books and/or experience shock over readers not wanting to pay repeated shipping fees should do.

I remembered I am here for the readers. I am here because I love romance novels. I am here because I love to talk about them, buy them and hunt them down. And I am here because I adore many an author. They wear their reader hat well. They talk books not only when theirs are coming out but when they have something interesting to say. They make me sqqquuueee with delight when I close their book and make me want to tell everyone I can stop long enough to listen to me about it. They make me proud to be a small apart of romanceland.

As for the rest of it… what the fuck ever… we need something to point and laugh at right?