Sandy M’s review of Whispered Words (Power Up!, Book 3) by Marie Harte
Paranormal Erotic Romance published by No Box Books 3 Jan 24

It’s been five-plus years since I’ve read Marie Harte. So even though this is a third book in a series when it came across my radar, I decided to give it a try. I’m wondering if it’s been to many years or if it’s me or Ms. Harte who has changed during that time.

While I enjoyed the paranormal of the story – Chloe King has heard voices that have helped out whenever needed most of her life, and now they’ve suddenly stopped – and the story is very well written, it doesn’t get fleshed out enough until closer to the end, all due to the nearly page-after-page sex that goes on between her and the two brothers she discovers are the ones who have been “helping” her all this time.

I do like a good erotic story now and again, but what bothered me the most about this one is the dialogue. I found myself thinking much too often, when these characters are engaged in all that sex, their conversations just doesn’t ring true. It feels stilted and awkward most of the time. That being said, and though I could have done with more storyline and less sex, those scenes are well constructed and work a good portion of the time, in between the dialogue. Making the conversations a bit more realistic would have helped so much more. Despite all that, their growing love for one another is truly felt and believable.

The mystery to be solved by Xavier, Josh, and Chloe is interesting and does keep you on your toes as they try to figure out and survive everything tossed their way. While this isn’t a favorite of Ms. Harte’s work for me, I will continue to pick up her books in the future, when given the opportunity.

Grade: C


Ex-government agent Chloe King is a clairaudient who’s always been able to escape trouble. She’s just getting over being nearly murdered by a serial killer when a stalker almost brings her down. The voices she’s heard more than half her life have disappeared, and she’s afraid her life is coming to an end. If she can’t hear those voices again, she’ll die. She can feel it. But she never counted on the voices being real. Or belonging to two strong, sexy men resolved to keep her.

No excerpt available.