To quote my siblings, “You just have to make things difficult, don’t you?”
Yes. Yes, I do. I don’t mean to, my brain just complicates matters all by itself. What am I complicating now?, you might ask. Oh, you know…my career.
See, they say that a smart writer (clearly, not me) will find her niche and stick with it. She’ll build her readership in this niche and when she’s proved herself there, she’ll expand a bit and take her readership with her. It’s good planning. It’s smart thinking. It’s wise.
Soooo not gonna be happening here.
I, for whatever reasons, have never met a cubby I could call home. I’m not niche. I have yet to be labeled with one category, though I used to wish I could be, because then more folks would take a shot with an unknown like me because hey, my stories fit their bill. Alas, I generally use a paragraph to define how I write. See below:
Writer with sense of humor and enjoyment of the frisky who writes contemporary romances in the genres of drama, romantic comedy, suspense and paranormal romantic suspense. Is partial to serial killers and the heroes/heroines who hunt them. Friend to Werewolves. Has slight swearing problem. Serious meat addiction.
For me, I write about falling in love. I write, hoping that when my characters fall in love, so do the readers. I want to give them that happy sigh when they close the book. You know, that one that has you rubbing the back cover after you close it, wanting to hold on just a little longer?
Yeah…That. 🙂
Only thing is, I write where the story takes me. And let me tell you, it does not like going to the same place back to back. Nope, it wants variety. Drama! Adventure! A different hot guy every day of the week! Yeah, ok, maybe not that many… But you get my drift.
I didn’t plan to be the funny-looking kid on the publishing block, but, what can I say? That’s just my face. It’s not going to change too much unless I start getting dignified (perish the thought!) or I get horribly scarred by reader rejection. And it’s a bad thing, really. I rather like my no-niche, funny-looking face. I’ve grown into it. It fits me now. I write romance you can fall in love with. And that makes me unbelievably happy.
Case in point, I’ve got a new book out called Trust In Me. It’s managed to be a series book inside an existing series. (The Jackmans, A Rancho del Cielo Romance from Samhain Publishing.) It stars an “older” hero, Locke Jackman (he’s in his late 30s). His heroine is planning for 70% of the book to never speak to him again. (Just a note, she fails kinda miserably with that plot, but, really, you can’t blame her.) He’s not a billionaire. He’s not classy. He’s not debonair. He’s rugged. He’s loyal. He’s determined as hell. And I dare you not to fall in love with him.
So what I’m hoping for is this: Join me in my lack of conformation! Write a post in the comments to define yourself and all the ways you don’t fit in a box. A random winner will be chosen to receive the ENTIRE Rancho del Cielo Romances series (that’s five ebooks, folks!), including the latest, Trust In Me !
See you in the comments!
I look like Mary Poppins, and I read books like Elvira.
your writing is intense and emotional, hop skip and jump thru genres as much as you please: it’s all about the characters