REVIEW: The Professor by Cathy Perkins

Tweet Laura C’s review of The Professor by Cathy Perkins Romantic Suspense published by Carina Press 23 Jan 12 Meg Connelly just wants to get through her complicated life as a grad student, student advisor, and waitress. She has a hard enough time with the rich,...

REVIEW: Nothing Short of Perfect by Day LeClaire

Tweet LynneC’s review of Nothing Short of Perfect by Day Leclaire Contemporary Romance published by Harlequin Desire 1 Nov 11 Day LeClaire is a great example of someone who has been writing for the Desire line for a very long time but manages to keep her characters...

PONDERING: The Good, the Bad and the Meh of 2011

Tweet I can’t say that 2011 was a classic reading year for me. So many train wrecks and meh books. But I read a lot, and even in a good year I’ll have something to celebrate. Sooo, here we go. The Good Doukakis’s Apprentice by Sarah Morgan – a quirky heroine and a...