REVIEW: Sex, Gossip and Rock & Roll by Nicola Marsh

Tweet LynneC’s review of Sex, Gossip and Rock and Roll by Nicola Marsh Contemporary Romance published by Harlequin Presents 4 Oct 11/Mills and Boon Riva 6 May 11 I love me a good rock star, so the title and the cover picture on this book got me all excited. Perhaps...

REVIEW: Going Cowboy Crazy by Katie Lane

Tweet Sandy M’s review of Going Cowboy Crazy (Deep in the Heart of Texas, Book 1) by Katie Lane Contemporary Western Romance published by Forever 1 May 11 What a fun read this is. It’s been a long drought since the last really good cowboy book I’ve...

PONDERING: “It’s only fiction”

Tweet More and more I’m seeing authors who are confronted with readers saying “this is wrong,” reply, “it’s only fiction,” which they seem to think means they can make up anything they want to. Of course, the most egregious offenders are some historical romance...

REVIEW: Serpent’s Kiss by Thea Harrison

Tweet C2’s review of Serpent’s Kiss (Elder Races, Book 3) by Thea Harrison Paranormal Romance published by Berkley 4 Oct 11 In Serpent’s Kiss we get another different view of the Elder Races (in Book 1, we got an overview; in Book 2, a micro-view of the...