This anthology was a gift for me. I already counted several of the authors involved on this project as friends and knew the quality of their work. That all proceeds were going to breast cancer research was a huge draw for me. Both my mother and my aunt are breast cancer survivors. As I age, I look at my daughter and wonder if we will both travel that same path. There needs to be better options if not for me, then for her – and it takes money to find them. Joining the anthology was a great way to contribute.
I had little to do with the beginning or even during the middle of the process of pulling this anthology together, except to write Sian’s Solution! Edie Ramer and Misty Evans did a wonderful job taking this anthology forward on their own.
It’s only after I turned in my short story that I realized there were other ways that I could help. Formatting the short stories is one thing – and I’m grateful for Lori Devoti’s help in getting through that stage, but converting this anthology into Kindle and epub formats is another issue altogether. I, with my son’s help, took that process on and helped Edie through the account creation and uploading issues that always seem to crop up last minute. But we did it! Entangled went live on time!
It looks great, the stories are fantastic and for $2.99, it’s a great value. I’m proud to be a part of something this special. A huge thanks from me to everyone who took part. Although I titled this post How It Ended, in truth – this is just the beginning!
Dale, you were a HUGE help. Without you, I don’t know what we would have done. Big thanks to you and your son.
Thanks Edie! We all did an amazing job. I love these stories!