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DuckFlashThis just in…

Have your friends and family been acting a little more strangely than usual lately? Then you need iPhone’s new app to make sure you’re not the next one to be turned…

~ The Zombie Survival Guide Scanner is your assurance to survive the coming zombie apocalypse. Based exclusively on Max Brooks’ internationally bestselling survival manual, The Survival Guide: Complete Protection from the Living Dead, this might be your only chance to avoid being one of those living dead.

~ This new app is the tool that will save you from infection before zombies bite. Be sure to check it out here.

~ Available for free from iTunes, this app will let you scan anyone. Calculating in a matter of seconds, it will immediately tell you if someone is infected with the zombie virus or not — and if they are infected, by how much.

~ Brooks has been developing this for months. Finally, there is something out there that could save millions of lives.

~ More info on this life-saving app here and here. Even watch a video. Your life may depend on it. Spread the word.

Consider yourself flashed.