REVIEW: Fragile by Shiloh Walker

Tweet Sandy M’s review of Fragile by Shiloh Walker Contemporary Romance published by Berkley 3 Feb 09 I take every chance I get to read a Shiloh Walker book. I don’t have my own copy of Fragile yet, so when a friend mentioned she had a copy, you guessed...

REVIEW: Blaze of Memory by Nalini Singh

Tweet Sandy M’s review of Blaze of Memory (Psy/Changeling Series, Book 7) by Nalini Singh Paranormal Romance published by Berkley 3 Nov 09 Nalini Singh’s Psy/Changeling series has become one of my all-time favorites. With this latest installment,...

PONDERINGS: Are you a pantser?

Tweet It’s often said that writers are either pantsers (often rendered inaccurately as pansters, probably because it’s easier to pronounce) or plotters. Pantsers as in “write by the seat of your pants.” They make it up as they go along and don’t know where they’re...