Lucky #13 on The New York Times bestseller list
for November 25, 2007!!!!

“13 NAUTI NIGHTS, by Lora Leigh.A Kentucky marine woos a woman he’s lusted after for years; the second book in the Mackay Cousins trilogy.”
Lucky #13 on The New York Times bestseller list
for November 25, 2007!!!!
“13 NAUTI NIGHTS, by Lora Leigh.A Kentucky marine woos a woman he’s lusted after for years; the second book in the Mackay Cousins trilogy.”
*banging head on desk*
I still call this Men of October.
It’s sorta like Men of August but with more trick and less treat.
At least this guy has some hair there. Notice they got rid of his head?
I’m thrilled for her. She busts her tail and deserves this… and I’m secretly… okay, not so secretly green with envy.
But I adore her, and she knows about my case of envy and loves me anyway.
Wow, how cool for her. To be honest I’m kind of surprised she’s on the list (not that she doesn’t deserve it) because she’s more erotic romance. YAY, we’re making strides. 🙂
Oh my god, that’s freaking amazing!! Congrats to her!
Now see, here’s my theory… even if someone’s from another planet and never read or never heard of Lora Leigh, one look at that cover and the next thing they know, they’ve picked it up and starting fondling it.
Then they read what’s behind that cover and BAM, they now know what the rest of us have known for years– Lora Leigh is freakin’ ADDICTIVE!
Congratulations to Lora! Enjoy!
Hello, my name is Gwen. And I’m a cover whore.
**Hello Gwen**
It’s been four days since I last fondled a mantitty cover, but this book made me break my streak. I know I can get back on the wagon if I can just get some help from publishers. Covers like this one don’t help.
WHOA that is some nice man chest!
Gwen I think I need to go to mantitty rehab with you. LOL
That’s some bike he’s got there also.
You two are so B&B. Not sure WHAT That makes Teddy. err a pig?
I adore seeing my fave authors hit the lists. And the fact that is erotic romance rocks. Good for her. Like her or not she has a shit load of books coming out and that have recently hit.
And for as well as she is doing, it is rare to see an author WANT to improve, challenge herself and be willing to listen to crit.
Many an author think they are fabulous and get pissed to see bad reviews. Or hurt someone dare to say their baby was ugly. Lora Leigh does seem to have some fangrrls who think she is the end all be all and perfect.
But the author…. is very grounded… and knows everyone always has room for improvement. At least that is what I have taken away from the conversations I have had with her.
Her books are entertaining. Her characters can be larger than life but I would say we have no where near seen the BEST Lora Leigh can give us.
And even if she never taps out, I respect the hell out of the woman.
*sigh* It’s the Treasure Trail… gets me every time.
And Gwen, I’m glad you’ve finally come to appreciate man fur.
Oh, yeah… back to Lora…
Lora is a sweetie pie, isn’t she? I don’t think that woman would know HOW to be a diva, she’s just too damn nice. I got the biggest kick out of her soft, little-girl like voice. LOL!
But I REALLY want to know how the hell she keeps all those different stories and characters straight in her head. Good Grief, she wrote her upcoming Breeds series book, Dawn’s Awakening, in 11 freakin’ days! ELEVEN DAYS!
And I LOVE that cover~he actually has chest hair!! I get so tired of looking at shaved mantitty. 😉
Congratulations, Lora!
that is hot cover