Book CoverOnce A Rake by Rona Sharon **Check out the new site**

Summary here


London, 1817

Isabel Aubrey drew a fortifying breath and climbed the front steps of Lancaster House. The Earl of Ashby’s private residence was situated on Park Lane, the finest street address in Mayfair. For years she had passed by his home, aware he was somewhere on the Continent, risking his life fighting against Napoleon. Then two years ago, soon after Waterloo, he had come back.

Her heart beat wildly as she tapped the brass knocker against the door and waited. A rotund butler answered the door. “Good morning, miss. How may I help you?”

Isabel smiled. “Good morning. I’m here to call on his lordship.”

The butler shook his bald head ruefully. “His lordship doesn’t receive callers, miss. My apologies, and a good day to you.” The door closed softly in her face.

Read the rest of the excerpt here…

Rona will has the niftiest two posts coming soon (dates TBA) and has two very cool prizes to give away. Stay tuned…