confused_dog.JPG… that just made me go, “WTF?!?” 

I love – those are some funny, funny women and they’re my kind of people.  Browsing their site today, I came across the following tidbits that were just too funny not to share with you…

A story in the UK’s Telegraph about how the Australian Navy has been paying for their female members to get breast implants.  For “psychological reasons.”  Yeah.  Uh huh.  I believe that.  Don’t you?

laughingkitten.jpgThis guy actually had a fashion show for pubic hair enhancements.  No seriously!

Seattle has a trolley line whose acronym is SLUT (for South Lake Union Trolley, an unintentional bureaucratic faux pas).  A local coffee shop is making a killing selling t-shirts that say “Ride the SLUT.”

A state senator in Nebraska sues God.  His suit says he “seeks a permanent injunction ordering God to cease certain harmful activities and the making of terroristic threats.”  What the hell??  (no pun intended, sort of)

Edited to add (almost forgot the most important one!):  This has made me laugh for THREE DAYS!  “Dick In A Box” WON an Emmy award for “Outstanding Original Music & Lyrics.” HAHAHAHAHAHA!  Yup.  Still laughing.

How about you?  Run across anything lately that just made you go, “Huh?!  BWAHAHAHA!”
