Lisa_Marie_Rice_AvatarLisa Marie Rice joins us today for her Guest Author Day(s). Read on to learn more about her views on sex, writing, and being a man (not!)…


Top of the morning to you all! I am delighted to be here at The Good, the Bed Bad and the Unread, and am extremely grateful to Sybil Cook for making this happen.

cinderellas_castle.jpgSince I live in an enchanted kingdom far far away, chances are slim that we’ll meet at your local Borders any time soon, so I cherish this opportunity for a chat with readers.

Some of you might know that my first novel for Avon Red, DANGEROUS LOVER, has just been published. It is the first of three and I am finishing the second right now, entitled DANGEROUS SECRETS.

Book CoverSome of you have been kind enough to email me to say you liked DANGEROUS LOVER, and I thank you for that from the bottom of my heart. It’s just wonderful for me to know that I have struck a chord in a reader’s heart. I was a reader long, long before I was a writer.

Like most of you, I have lived for books all my life. They’ve formed the backbone of my life and have provided comfort in sometimes hard and lonely places. I know exactly what a book you love can mean to you. Diving into another person’s world, letting the cares of your life slip off your shoulders for the hours it takes to read the book. Romances, in particular, can be so utterly captivating, pure entertainment. But they can also—and I speak from personal experience—help heal a broken heart, point the way to a new fork in the road when you’re stranded in quicksand, keep you company when you’re lonely, buck you up when you’re scared. There is nothing else quite like it and I consider it a miracle that at this point in my life, it’s been given to me to write books that resonate in some peoples’ hearts.

I’d love to riff on some topics dear to my heart, so bear with me as I go through some ideas and themes I’d like to share with you, such as IT’S NOT JUST ABOUT THE SEX, THANK YOU EROTIC ROMANCE and I AM NOT A MAN.

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I am messing around with the grand order of blog posting. I know… shocking! So in the interest of not confusing people (more than normal) I am putting this post on top. Because there are links here and it explains the bottom posts!

You can find the Q&A here. That work? Should I have left it alone? Am I just confusing you all more?

Note: We will be giving away three (unsigned) copies of Dangerous Lover. To enter comment on any Lisa Marie Rice post by midnight (CST) August 23, 2007.