Robin Popp
I have about two hundred books in my TBR pile. There’s always at least one book on my nightstand. Right now, it happens to be KISS OF CRIMSON by Lara Adrain. I just finished reading JK Rowlings, JR Ward, Kresley Cole and Karen Chance. Because I’m not currently under a writing deadline, I’ve also been listening to Nora Roberts audiobooks in the car during my commute. Except for the Harry Potter book, these were all vampire/ dark paranormal romances – which happens to be my favorite genre.
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Because of my love of science fiction, I like futuristics, but I’m very particular about them. I like the classic sci-fi more than some of the fluffier stories out there. I hope that futuristics will grow in popularity again – I have other stories I’d like to write.
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I have a second book on my nightstand, currently next in line to be read, and that is James Rollins’ Map of Bones and I have several Kenneth Davis Don’t Know Much About ______ books close at hand because I enjoy reading them.

I also enjoy reading long historicals and contemporary romantic suspenses (Suzanne Brockman is one of my favorites). I’m not a big fan of light, humorous books, which is a bit odd since I find the authors of these books to be fun and witty people to be around in person. I’m also not likely to pick up a pirate romance, anything with sheiks or westerns.