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The Viscount in Her Bedroom (Sisters of Willow Pond Trilogy)The Viscount in Her Bedroom (Sisters of Willow Pond Trilogy) by Gayle Callen

This book was definitly a pleasant surprise. Gayle Callen is a wonderful writer and I enjoyed the other two books in this series, but this one has to be the best so far.

Simon Wade, Viscount Wade, has always been a genial, fun-loving fellow. Men want to be his friend and women want to be courted by him. He lives a good and semi-charmed life. Things change for him one day in Hyde park when he’s thrown from his horse and looses his sight. Knowing he’s a burden on his family and doesn’t want the ton to pity him, Simon stays in the country with his grandmother and sister.

Simon’s grandmother knows that her grandson is unhappy and hires Louisa Shelby as a companion for herself in name only, but she has other things in mind. Louisa doesn’t need the money, but she needs a purpose since her sisters are now happily married. She travels out to help the Dowager Viscountess as well as Simon’s shy sister.

Simon wants to keep to himself and doesn’t think his grandmother’s matchmaking will work. As Louisa helps his sister, Georgie, come out of her shell he realizes that she’s a caring, passionate person.

Simon and Louisa are very sweet, caring and passionate as a couple. The fact that Simon is blind also adds to the steam of the story. . .the whole tactile thing can get you going. Both of them are overcoming some sort of guilt for the past and find a future together that is good for both of them.

It’s nice to read a story that’s about the characters and their families rather than a dastardly plot or something. Callen also makes a good point about society and it’s views on those who fall from grace (by a physical injury) or someone who is handicapped. Overcoming society’s views about oneself is a major theme in this book and it works well with the story and makes Simon and Louisa that much stronger.

Callen always is able to deliver for me and this one is suprising because it’s that much better than her other books. It’s a great character study and comment on society all wrapped up in a sweet and passionate romance that gives a satisfying HEA.

Grade: A-