Open… open… open…

Tweet Okay… this is really sort of funny I think It could be the drugs… Sad thing is my head still fucking hurts. oh, I get really whiny about right now sorry… what was I saying? tra la la Being the nifty chick I am, always concerned about you nifty...

For Those About to Mock

Tweet The Romance Diva‘s try to put Mrs. Giggles in her place. yep… we need more popcorn Who are The Romance Diva’s you ask? Well only one of the most supportive sites online site on the net y’all! And if you don’t know it just ask them....

Building an ARC

Tweet Oh I mean Ark… damn but really feel free to email me ARC’s cuz I lurve them. It is raining like mad here and I am leaving to go home. So cross your fingers and hope I make it there. I mean I have copy and an excerpt from Anna’s next book still...