From The Sound Of Music:

The funny thing is I have never ever seen this movie, nuns scare me. But the title of this song kept running through my head while trying to come up with an intro for Anna Campbell.

Claiming the Courtesan
Now, now before anyone gets all puffy, the problem was what to do for the intro (you never wanna be around while I am doing them trust me). And once it was stuck in my head, I thought what the hell and went to view it on youtube. Then I laughed and laughed and laughed because in an odd sort of way it fits.

Claiming the Courtesan
Anna is a complete nut. She is amusing and probably the type that understands what the titles of my blog posts mean more often than most.

What does that mean?

Claiming the Courtesan
Be afraid… be very afraid… But it should be an interesting day *g*.

Anna is down under in case you don’t know, so expect to see her around noonish. I will prolly start posting around 9-ish. She is more than ready to talk and more than happy to answer questions. So do bring some…

But trust me, neither of us are nuns.