by Sybil | Mar 10, 2007 | Ponderings |
Tweet We all have our buttons. Those ‘things’ that throw us out of a story or make it impossible to relax and enjoy the novel. One thing that tends to go over my head more often than not are character names. You could blame it on a staple of Jackie...
by Sybil | Mar 10, 2007 | Uncategorized |
Tweet Will come at some point. Ward has a 2pm signing today. She has them, of course I have no clue what she will or will not answer. But they will be addressed in some way *g*. Just in case you were wondering. Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new...
by Sybil | Mar 10, 2007 | Quacking About, Romanceland |
Tweet J.R. Ward book signings/discussions/readings for Lover Revealed: March 10, 2007 @ 2pm to 4pm The Bookstore-Radcliff Location: Radcliff, Kentucky Details: they will be talking with readers, autographing books, and giving away door prizes Share this:Click to share...