contJust a few notes….

My new domain is Same blogger, same subjects, same rants and duckieness… just new domain.

And it is wordpress, which I am hoping won’t give me as much grief as blogger. And also means I have no clue as to what I am doing. So really same ol same ol *g*.

You will find funny fonts on older posts and some broken links which jane we is are working on. The cut function I had much love for is no more. And I don’t think there is a replacement in wordpress. Yes I know… lets bow our heads for a moment of silence. So unless someone makes one (which would fucking rock) or points me in the direction of a plugin (would equally rock) the only option is the MORE (le gasp 1! cut) per post.

Until I take out the html in older posts, where there were cuts (many in some of them), they might look a lil odd. (cut=link you clicked on to get more of my rambling)

I haven’t figured out what I am going to do with the index of reviews because I think it will not be needed once I wrap my arms around what categories and tags do. All in all things should be normal (for me) around here in a few weeks… or years… or something.