
Tweet I may have to rethink the slutty zebra buying trend I seem to be on. Now I admit I am not like Alyssa and company who can read a book without even breaking a spine. But I am not hard on my books! So how is it after two reads and one skim of A Season to be...

dash it all

Tweet Is A Season to be Sinful – Jo Goodman out yet or not? It seems to be if you look on line but I can’t find it. I am gonna have to give in and order it and then it will be in the store. Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to...

Passion part deux

Tweet So there is a nifty thread at AAR (really need to update links and put one up so I can stop looking for the link every time I mention it. thread started by trish in the review board aka off limits to sybil so here we be 😉 I think Lisa Valdez makes a common first...

I have been in something of a funk

Tweet Which means I spent the weekend rereading book… two I didn’t even remember reading. And that sort of spilled over to the week.  Dreaming of You by Lisa Kleypas was my first reread last Friday. Derek and Sarah… what more do you have to say. I...