no this isn’t an erotica post ๐Ÿ˜‰

I will use any excuse to buy a book. It really is almost sad. I went to B&N to pick up Celtic Fire (like that shocks ANYONE) and happened upon Lady Savage by Donna Simpson.

I picked it up because Nicole had mentioned it and wanted to see what it is about. It sounded really interesting and different.

And I was so there… then I remembered it was a regency and well I don’t really read regency novels. So I thought do I spend the 5 bucks and end up with a book I will most likely take to the ubs. It seemed like a waste. I figured I should wait until I find it at the ubs before I bought a new (to me) author in a new to me genre.

heeeeeeeee then I remembered Nicole and so I bought it. Cuz really TWO people I know will read it and enjoy it. So hey that is worth 5 bucks right?
