I am sure this has been talked about already but how cool is it that Avidreader aka Keishon, crankyreader aka cw and smart bitches aka sarah and candy got linked in the RT mag this month.
heee I fangirlie sqqqeeee’ed…
and nicole got quoted
too kewl
WHAT? When was this? Which issue was it? (And why didn’t they interview us, LOL!)
LOL the newest one July 2005 in the web section thingy oh here page 63 and 64.
Whaaa? No way! I thought it was just the Smart Bitches, which was cool enough.
Now I’m going to have to track down a copy. Vanity, thy name is Knows No Bounds. *g*
Alyssa, they were probably saving you, MÃ ili, Sybil, and the others for next month. Gotta spread out the content…:P
Ooh, damn those copyright issues and quote the item here!! Please?
oh sure, hee took me a min what the hell you were wanting me to do.
I don’t mind
I will post it when I get home. Don’t have the mag with me.
What, I was quoted? Where? WHen? Now I’m going to have to go buy the damn magazine.
page 64 talking about romancing the blog and it was your full name so I am pretty sure it was you…
I will post it as well
Dang, my full name? I didn’t even think I’d put that anywhere on my blog…
Though wait…I think a few months back I answered a question about blogging to someone from RT…that must have been it. Dang it and the issue isn’t out in the stores yet, I don’t think. What cover is on this one?
The Diana Palmer book is on the cover.