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prolly not

Today I bought mostly Harlequin Historicals, which caused the cashier (who knows me well and is a friend) to look at me and say, what is with all the light romance. I told her it was to balance out the erotica ;).

I found Winter Woman by Jenna Kernan (she wrote Turner’s Woman) This made me happy and I sqqqqeee’ed. I am not sure why it is once I read a book I like, I feel the need to read the whole authors backlist. In the case of there only being one book, this isn’t a problem.

I also picked up:
The Surgeon and The Midwife’s Secret by Kate Bridges
Frontier Christmas (anthology) Ana Leigh, Carolyn Davidson, Kate Bridges
Outlaw Love by Judith Stacy
Marrying Mischief by Lyn Stone she has a new book coming out that I want. The Viscount so I figured I would check her out. The one review on amazon for this book doesn’t make this one sound promising.
I bought the paperback of Seduced By Moonlight by Laurell K Hamilton will prolly give my hardback to a friend unless she has it than it would be off to the ubs. This of course is after I had to have the hb and didn’t read it.
Off Limits by Mallory Rush never heard of this author. The first few pages got me, even though I thought it was really shitty starting a story with a death.
Dreaming of You by Lisa Kleypas not sure why I got this.

All in all I figure most of these will end up back at the ubs, but we shall see. I am off to read Ride The Fire by Pamela Clare. I started this book this morning and it is great. I think it might live up to its buzz.